Monday, March 3, 2014

Lake Review (Fly fishing edition) - Amber Lake, Washington

So here is the second lake I am going to review, considering we just received like 8 inches of snow we will not be able to go out and start catching fish.

Amber Lake 
Spokane County, Washington
Latitude - (47.3471095)
Longitude -  (-117.713543)

Photo of Amber Lake

So once again this lake is only about an hour from Spokane, WA and is actually 15 min. from Badger lake. The primary fish here is trout, big trout, this is not an anything goes lake either. Special rules do apply here. What does that mean you ask, well I will tell you. No scented bait, no treble hooks, no combustion engines, no barbed hooks. So this is basically a float tube and kayak lake. YOU CAN NOT LAUNCH YOUR BIG BOATS HERE, they  have barricaded the boat launch so this is literally a carry lake you can drive right to the water though. Watch out for snakes however they are aplenty. There is an ideal lake for fly fishing. If you are thinking this lake must be packed with people during the season, you would be 100% wrong. This picture although not mine but the W.D.F.W. shows about how many people will be on the lake with you. The most people I have ever witnessed there is the grand total of 2 people not including myself and my acquaintance.  Also an F.Y.I. all the land but the little parking area and launch are Private land, so no trespassing please.

How to catch them
Well the fish here run somewhat deep, now I have no idea how deep this lake is but being like badger it has a deep trench right off where the boat launch is about 30 feet. You are going to want to drop a Wooley Bugger fly down there with sinking fly line, Work the magic make it look like a leech would pulse....pulse pulsepulse..stop..sink..repeat. Now this information is coming second hand to me. (Fishing story time) When I was about 10 I was fishing there and had this crappy little rubber pink worm I got from a local sporting goods store for like a nickle. Well I dropped it to the bottom of the trench and was jigging it around not paying attention to anything in the world. Then my dads Ugly Stick bend in half I am not messing around here, from straight up to touching the water listing the boat. Sadly it did get away but I go back every year to try and remedy that situation with the same lure. Sadly my secret lure will not be shown here because A no one is reading this and B if I show you my secret lure you may catch my fish. Paddling along at a slow pace trailing a chironomid behind you will get some good hits, this is all along the one side in front of the  boat launch I have never had any luck anywhere else on this lake.

Wolley bugger

The Final Tally 
 The sad thing is there isn't alot to go on here, So I will do the best I can.

Trout Fishing 3 out of 5 stars
The  fishing here is hard, I know people who go out regularly and catch 4-5 pound trout out there like I have conveyed about. It is a lake you would go to in order to just relax and if a fish bites then you will have a good day

The lake itself- 5 out of 5 stars
Absolutely gorgeous lake, it is usually pretty windy, but by Poseiden beard it is a relaxing place to float tube or kayak. It is however a smaller lake, so if you are expecting a lot of variety there is but not as much as one of the neighboring lakes.   

The final Score 4 out of 5 stars
Need a relaxing day with the possibility of catching some monster fish, come here. Paddle around with a friend, enjoy the views and wildlife. If you are going for money back guarantee of fish, then, you may be disappointed. I am never upset that I waste a day here because we need to look at the smaller things and appreciate them. 

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